
December 25, 2022

Solar Thermal Power Plant

A solar thermal power plant is a type of power plant that uses the sun’s heat to generate electricity. These plants can be used to produce electricity at a maximum efficiency of around 21%. Storage of excess heat generated during the day The storage of excess heat generated during the day is a nifty little […]

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December 1, 2022

The Clean Air Scenario for Prevention of Air Pollution in Africa

Almost everyone in the world knows that air pollution is a huge problem. There are many sources of pollution, from traditional to modern. Some of these sources include burning fossil fuels, factories, vehicles, and household smoke. These are all major causes of air pollution. But there are also some alternative emission scenarios that have been […]

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November 16, 2022

Thermal Power Station

A thermal power station is an energy source for producing electrical energy from coal, natural gas, or waste heat. There are many different kinds of power stations. Some use coal to generate electricity; some use natural gas. These power plants are also called coal-fired or natural gas-fired thermal power stations. The most common type of […]

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Write a Book
October 28, 2022

Write a Book-Best Five Pieces of Advice for Authors

If you want to write a book, you should keep five top tips in mind. You must identify yourself as a writer, identify your target audience, create a writing routine, and manage your expectations. Following these tips will give you a better chance of producing a quality book. Identify yourself as a writer. Identifying yourself […]

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Aron Govil
October 13, 2022

Production – How to Make a Movie from Scratch

If you’re thinking of producing a film, here are some things to remember. You’ll learn about budgeting, marketing, and pre-production in this article. You’ll also learn about the funding you may need to make your film. Before you start, ensure you’ve thought about what your audience wants to see from the film. Pre-production Before you […]

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September 27, 2022

The Process of Making a film

There are a few steps you must take to produce a film. These include pre-production, production, and post-production. After you’ve got your concept, you need to think about how to finance it. Make sure that your budget is realistic and will help you complete the project. You should also break down your script into individual […]

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September 5, 2022

How to Produce a Film

There are many different stages involved in the process of producing a film. These stages include Pre-production, Budgeting, Scheduling, Contracts, and Post-production. There is a lot to think about when you are beginning your production. However, there are some general steps that you can take to get started. Pre-production Pre-production is an integral part of […]

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August 10, 2022

Top 5 Tips on Writing a Book

The top five tips on writing a book will help you avoid writer’s block, create a chapter-by-chapter outline, and cut out any parts you don’t need. By following these tips, you’ll have a book ready to publish. Here are some ideas to help you write a book that will make you proud. Read on to […]

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March 23, 2022

Advantages of a Geothermal Power Plant

    Aron Govil pointed out that a geothermal power plant can operate without using any fuel and requires a minimal amount of land and fresh water. This type of energy is considered renewable and sustainable and is ideal for many applications. There are many advantages to building a geothermal power plant, including low operating […]

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Aron Govil, Ducon CEO, proves diversified holdings boost business
October 6, 2021

Aron Govil, Ducon CEO, proves diversified holdings boost business

Aron Govil proves success can be multi-dimensional with forays in industry, entertainment, and publishing. Successful CEOs are often pictured as extremely focused on one area of study or one discipline, but for Aron Govil, diversity is the key to long-term success. Govil is at the helm of the successful business group, Ducon Technologies Inc. an […]

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